PLZ / Stadt | 10783 Berlin |
Schüler Niveau | Anfänger bis Profi |
Unterrichtsort | Beim Musiklehrer |
Leih-Instrument verfügbar | Ja |
Hi, I am a professional bassist from Sweden.
I am offering high quality bass lessons. available to all ages, from complete beginners to more advanced musicians who may want to focus on a certain aspect of their playing, whether it's Sight Reading, Harmony, Improvisation or Technique.
Before moving to Berlin I was studying a Bachelor Degree in Music at the finest contemporary music performance school in Europe - The Institute of Contemporary Music Performance in London. Here I also successfully completed a Level 6 Teaching Diploma, awarded by Rockschool, one of the most established music teaching institutions in the UK.
Having studied contemporary music as well as completing a teaching diploma means that I am proficient in all different styles of music, whether it is Rock, Reggae, Funk, Blues or Jazz and lessons will be tailored to the students needs with appropriate lesson planning to ensure student progress.
My German isn't very good so lessons will be taught in Swedish or English.
Lesson prices:
30 minutes - €15 1 hour - €25
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