Schlagzeuglehrer Gerwin Spalink

Schlagzeuglehrer - Gerwin Spalink
Schlagzeugunterricht in Bad Iburg

ab 36€ pro 45 Min.

PLZ / Stadt 49186 Bad Iburg
Schüler Niveau Anfänger bis Fortgeschritten
Unterrichtsort Beim Musikschüler
Leih-Instrument verfügbar Nein

Schlagzeug Ausbildung



(Vita in deutscher Sprache unten⬇️)

Kontakt & Infos:

GERWIN SPALINK, born in 1971 in Munich / Germany is a German drummer and musician who has gained worldwide attention performing alongside some of rock - pop and classic music's most notable artists.

At the age of 4 Gerwin would set up pots and pans or anything he could find to resemble a drum kit. He would beat the shit out of them for hours, months and years. He then studied drums and percussion in Germany, Austria and the Netherlands.

GERWIN SPALINK is also one of the very few "Moeller Specialists" and gives Snaredrum Workshops all over the world. The Moeller method, or moeller technique, is named for drummer Sanford A. Moeller, as described in his book The Art of Snare Drumming. It is believed that he described the method after observing drummers who had fought in Civil War in the 19th century. He later taught the system to Jim Chapin in 1938 and 1939. Chapin worked to popularize this method until his death in 2009. The method combines a variety of techniques with the goal of improving hand speed, power, and control while offering the flexibility to add accented notes at will. The method has been perceived in the drumming community as a secret method. It is considered difficult to learn and no consensus has been reached as to what this technique actually consists of. (Wikipedia)


Gerwin Spalink (* 6. juli 1971 in München) ist ein deutscher Schlagzeuger und Musiker, der sich musikalisch im Fusion-, Rock- und Popmusik-Genre etabliert hat. Bekannt geworden ist er vor allem als Mitglied der Steampunk-Band "VIOLET" (The Violet Steam Experience) Gerwin ist ebenso ein sehr gefragter Studiomusiker. Zu seinen Referenzen zählen Michael Witte, Paul Miller, Radio Symphony Cologne, Die Celebraten, The Violet Steam Experience und viele mehr.

Diskografie (Auswahl)

1999 Mainstreet / Toyota Song, bg Records 2000 Unique Club / Orange Rain 2001 Unique Club / M.A.R.S., DocMa Klang Studio 2001 Celebraten / Demo, DocMa Klang Studio 2001 Michael Witte / Fisch auf Asphalt, Brainstorm 2001 Punk Chartbusters Vol. 4, Wolverine Records 2002 Unique Club / HOT, Turtle Studio 2004 Punk It Vol.1, Imperial Records, Tokio / Japan 2004 Unaware live in London, Bull and Gate 2004 Gerwin Spalink / Discographie, Megaphone Records 2005 "Beat CD" Music Magazine Beat feat. Michael Witte 2006 Michael Witte, Die Welt Bewegt, Housemaster 2009 Michael Witte & Band, Strassen & Kurven, Timezone 2013 Violet, Steam Experience, Equinoxe Records/ALIVE 2013 Michael Witte & Band, Zirkushimmel, Timezone 2013 Prometheus Video - The Violet Steam experience 2014 Compilation CD's Zillo & Sonic Seducer 2014 The Glasgow Diries 2017 Vitae CD


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